Chana Dal Sweet Roti


channa dal - 100 g
sugar - 200 g
cardamom powder - 2tea spoon
maida - 100g
til oil-50g
turmeric powder - 2teaspoon


Cook channa dal with a pinch of turmeric with half a glass of water in pressure cooker. Let it to cool for a while and make a paste in the mixer with sugar. Add 1 teaspoon cardamom powder. Take this mixture in a pan and let it to dry in low flame. Make small roundels. Keep aside.
Take maida in a bowl. Put 1 teaspoon cardamom powder and make a soft dough using water. Pour till oil slowly and mix the dough thoroughly in the oil till the oil oozes out. Keep covered at least for an hour.
Make small balls out of the maida dough and roll it to make small chapatti. Keep the channa mix in the centre and close it with the dough.remobe the excess dough from the top and make regular roti out of it with the rolling pin.
Heat a tava and cook each roti on both sides till light golden brown colour adding little ghee in between. Sweet roti is ready.

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I love cooking and doing experiments on cooking. Experimentation helps in inventing new dishes.